La Tolteca 2.0 Issue #7: ¡Qué viva la música! October 2, 2020 – Posted in: Blog

La Tolteca 2.0 #7                October 2, 2020 Bien venidos/as to L/T 2.0 #7.  You don’t have to be a Boomer to check us out, contribute or identify with the creatives–thrivers and survivors of these most unprecedented of times–that we feature.  If you are, however, we are here for you.  In these United States we are in the midst of national elections during a world pandemic.  Climate change has…

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Between the World and Me: Recommended Book Read August 27, 2020 – Posted in: Blog, recent

When I read BETWEEN THE WORLD AND ME at times I was unable to get through passages because my eyes welled with tears and memories of growing up, becoming an adult brown woman in the United States–from mid-twentieth century through the 21st and sharing the pain of being born in a world not meant for you.

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