List of My Book Titles. Thank you.

This was a personally great week for me. I finished my new story collection, DOñA CLEANWELL LEAVES HOME (HarperVia, 5/2023)

In a recent phone convo w/ a writer/scholar friend who also teaches my works in her classes the question came up as to how many books I’ve published.

The way one thing gets picked up and the rest quote, recently, we both heard recently that I was credited with “over 15 books.”  While that figure on its own might be impressive, I didn’t feel it was accurate.  How many books have I authored to date, various genres and including edited and translated?  It’s not a competition in this business nor do I think quantity over quality.  Nearly all my titles remain in print.  I am blessed to hear new generations reading titles published before they were born.  For the record, I am still writing.  The new book of stories is scheduled for May of next year.  There is a novel on publication, ISABEL 2121, which will be my first in the genres, both dystopian and historical. And recently, I agreed to be a co-editor of a new anthology.  The theme attracted my attention, rural and urban lives today.  All around me small farms disappear, tract housing goes up, drugs, violence, femicide, and many of the ills once associated with metropolis environments have expanded.  More on this later, but for now, my friend generously sent an almost complete list of titles.  I added a few others. For those who are curious, interested or need a list, here it is:


1.The Mixquiahuala Letters. Binghamton, N.Y. : Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingue, 1986. ISBN 0-916950-67-0 (Doubleday)

Story collections[

  1. Loverboys. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996. ISBN0-393-03959-5
  2. Bocaditos. San Antonio: Wings Press. (Special limited ed.)
  3. Doña Cleanwell Leaves Home. ( HarperVia Publisher; publication date: May, 2023)


  1. Otro Canto. Chicago: Alternativa Publications, 1977.
  2. The Invitation. (chapbook) 1979, 2nd, 1986.
  3. Women Are Not Roses. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1984. ISBN0-934770-28-X
  4. My Father was a Toltec: West End Press, 1988
  5. My Father Was a Toltec and selected poems, 1973–1988. New York: W. W. Norton, 1995. ISBN0-393-03718-5
  6. I Ask the Impossible. New York: Anchor Books, 2000. ISBN
  7. My Book of the Dead. New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, 2021.


  1. Black Dove: mamá, mi’jo, and me. New York City: The Feminist Pressat the City University of New York, 2016. ISBN 9781558619234 (paperback)
  2. Massacre of the Dreamers: Essays on Xicanisma. Albuquerque: University ofNew Mexico Press, 1994. ISBN0-8263-1554-2


20.My Daughter, My Son, the Eagle the Dove: An Aztec Chant. New York: Dutton Books, 2000. ISBN 0-525-45856-5


21 Psst…I Have Something to Tell you Amor (Two Plays).  San Antonio:  Wings Press. 


  1. ‘Esta’ puente, mi espalda: Voces de mujeres tercermundistas en los Estados Unidos(with Norma Alarcón). San Francisco: ism press, 1988. (Spanish adaptation of This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, edited by Cherríe Moraga.)

As editor[

23.The Sexuality of Latinas (co-editor, with Norma Alarcón and Cherríe Moraga). Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 1993. ISBN 0-943219-00-0

  1. Recent Chicano Poetry/Neueste Chicano-Lyrik. (with Heiner Büs), Bamberger Editionene Band 8. 1994

24.Goddess of the Americas: Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe / La Diosa de las Américas: Escritos Sobre la Virgen de Guadalupe (editor). New York: Riverhead Books, 1996. ISBN 1-57322-029-9

26.Fifth Wednesday Journal Fall, 2018-Issue 23. IL (with Vern Miller)

  1. Forthcoming TBA


There is one chapbook not listed. k I translated a Chilean poet to English.  If I ever run across it, I will list.  I neither recall the title and the long deceased poet used a pen name so there’s the challenge.