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Nat’l Poetry Month: ‘These Times’ April 2, 2020 – Posted in: Blog

In recognition of National Poetry here is a poem I written in 2018 in commemoration of the first African American woman president at my alma mater in Chicago, NEIU.  I had the distinct honor to read it at her inauguration ceremony.  Enjoy! These Times   I   In these times, you and I share, amidst the air you and I breathe, inspiration we take from day to day thriving, opposition we meet, the sacred conch…

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Part 2 of free online writing workshop this afternoon April 1, 2020 – Posted in: Blog

Thank you to those who’ve made comments here (and sent to my email at Why didn’t I use Zoom?  Not because my skills are at Jitterbug Cell Phone level but like many these days–I’m just not up to being ‘looked at.’ I also wanted participants to focus on the writing & not their hair. Social media places a huge emphasis on showing off our best selves through filters, makeup, etc.–and this is about getting…

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These Times (poem, 2018) March 31, 2020 – Posted in: Blog

These Times  I In these times, you and I share, amidst the air you and I breathe, inspiration we take from day to day thriving, opposition we meet, the sacred conch shell calls us, drums beat, prayers sent up, aromatic smoke of the pipe are our pledge to the gods. An all-night fire vigil burns where we may consume the small cactus messenger of the Huichol and of the Pueblo people of New Mexico, red…

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Warming up for the Free Writing Workshop: Face Your Fears March 30, 2020 – Posted in: Blog

After you make you list of top worst fears take a moment. Don’t judge the fear. It’s yours.  Own it.  The only way to confront it is to name it and give it the weight your life, heart and actions have placed on it. Let’s remember how many courageous people have come before us in their times who faced their greatest fear head on–they cleared a path for us. Our task now, is to keep…

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La Comunidad–To limpia or not to limpia? March 20, 2020 – Posted in: Blog, recent

We are entering Spring Equinox.  The world is on alert and populations are challenged as never before. As a Chicana/mexicana-indigena I grew up and have always had limpias as part of our lives.  We do all kinds of limpias–sweeping with a huevo, usamos hierbas y aquas preparadas, baños. Friday is a good day for a limpia. You don’t have to find a curandera, santera, or modern bruxa/os.  If you’d like a recommendation on how to…

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La Comunidad: my blog March 18, 2020 – Posted in: Blog, recent

  Now that we’ve established how I really feel, welcome to my new La Comunidad blog.  As a writer, creative, poet and long-time cabrona con corazón, if you’re not familiar with my books and writings please do check them out.  They’re on my website and anywhere you get books and your information. You may comment whatever you wish here but only good-vibes. We are in the midst of world-spreading pandemic and I am in the U.S.…

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