Reading BOOKS frees the imagination
If you are at home practicing social distancing, social responsibility or because you have to–
remember that BOOKS are our friends. They don’t carry viruses. They free our imaginations. Whether you prefer fiction to non-fiction, poetry to memoir, if you are a book-lover you most likely have a pile near your bedside waiting for your attention.
I recently pulled out of the bedside-shelf an old read, AZTEC by Gary Jennings. I first read it when it was fairly new, again a decade later and maybe again. It’s a long masterful work about life just before The Conquest of Mexico. There are many other faves on my bookshelves. As a writer, I appreciate the skill and passion the writers put into the works. I appreciate the accomplishment to see a work through and have it published. I appreciate what the books teach me and where they take me.
At this time I invite any of my own readers who feel anxiety about the times to turn to their book friends. Let us know here what books you have been enjoying lately.
1 Comment
Stephanie Ceniceros March 18, 2020 - 20:13
I’m slowly taking in Marquez’s I’m Not Here To Give A Speech. usually in the A.M. with my coffee. What I read depends on time of day. I plundered a little library down the street a few months back and walked away with a few 200 year old gems. Might have to break into one of those before month end.