Two Book Deal Announcement: Fiction on the horizon

Ana Castillo (selfie, Nov. 2021)
The honor & pleasure is all mine. 2021 was a year of returning to prose. I started the new collection of stories (Doña Cleanwell Leaves Home) and will be returning to a novel started in 2016. I put it aside after the 2016 presidential. elections in the U.S. and virtually stopped writing prose over the following years. Pen drawings took the place of creative flight. In 2019 I resumed finishing a collection of poems (MY BOOK OF THE DEAD, UNMP; NM, 2021) and now here we are–full steam ahead! Gracias to those who continue to believe in my work. Most loving thanks to my new literary agent, Johanna Castillo (Writers House Lit Agency) and the powerhouse Tara Parsons, my new editor at HarperVia.
Carlos Morton November 29, 2021 - 14:39
Felicitaciones Ana!
Ana Castillo October 25, 2022 - 14:15 – In reply to: Carlos Morton