My Book of the Dead
During these turbulent and significant times in the history of the United States and throughout the world, it often happens that life calls our immediate attention before our writing.
I return today to thank the many who sent birthday salutations yesterday. I can’t imagine anyone who is not going through some trial in these times, whether maintaining physical and/or mental health, sustaining their economic base, caring for the young, old, and ill in their homes and other challenges. Gracias to all for taking a moment to reach out
The gods will that I met my 67th birthday in excellent health. I’ve finished a new collection of poems, MY BOOK OF THE DEAD. If interested, you may check out the published ones:
When Snow Turns to Rain and It Is Still Winter (Resisting Arrest (anthology, ed. by Tony Medina, Jacar Press; North Carolina, 2016); Algo de ti. (Weber: The Contemporary West, Spring/Summer 2016| Vol. 32 Num. 2); Two Men and Me (Fifth Wednesday Journal, ed. Vern Miller; Fall, 2017Lisle, IL) A Storm Upon Us, These Times, Mierda ( Fifth Wednesday Journal, ed. Vern Miller and Ana Castillo, Fall, 2018) ; [Xicanisma Prophesies Post 2012] Putin’s Puppet (Chiricu Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures Vol. 3, Number 2, Fall, 2019;
Whitman, Homage to Akilah, My First Cancer Poem, (Hypertext Review,10th Anniversary print issue: Chicago, Sept., 2019.
Two Men and Me and Homage to Akilah were each nominated for Pushcarts. At this writing, a few of my new poems are being considered by a wonderful online journal–more to share about that soon.
Chicanas read! Women vote!
But how is your personal life, Ana Castillo? Are you happy? Are you loved? How is your son doing–is he ‘ok’? Are you close to your granddaughter? All of these are an affirmative–yes! My family is blessed to keep staying safe, gainfully employed, straight As, loving to each other, healthy and moving forward. I’m not adding pictures bc at this time I don’t feel this blog is a family photo album to share with masses or a handful of trolls. Up ahead, I may want to share how we are all getting by–swimming not just staying afloat.
For now, on behalf of my loved ones to your homes, please stay safe, be well and don’t forget you have a voice.