Call for new submissions–deadline 7/20!
We were energized and happy to receive submissions for the first edition of La Tolteca 2.0. We are now open for new submissions. Please read GUIDELINES in this blog. Once you got that down, send to: Short staffed right now on volunteers we won’t be able to answer queries that are already posted here.
Three features in La Tolteca 2.0 at this time:
We will be looking for selfies with masks and original photos taken in your environment that inspire you through these challenging time. You don’t have to be a Boomer or over 40 or brown but you do have to be positive. You do have to be a human being who cares about the planet and you must honor your elders and ancestors–however best you know.
Please see deadlines.
Original and unpublished submissions only–this means also not previously posted on social media. We’re not looking to fill up space with images that are already on the Internet. Prose, 750 words. See guidelines for further submission details. Poetry that has been revised and proofread, in other words–what you’ve sat with for a while and are ready to share.
Yo ¡Presente! is devoted to hearing from your activism. Original, unpublished images help. 750 word limit. If you’re involved in local, national or international acitivism and would like to share something about your personal connection to it, let us hear from you.