Paperbacks! & a reading suggestion

Eyeball deep as I dot “i’s and cross “t”s, revise, revise, make corrections and pretty much do the solitary work of the writer I set out to bea half century ago.  The novel’s working title is ISABEL2121, although (hint) a different title is on the current draft.  As soon as I’m ready to turn in I can post a possible pub date with HarperVia (Harper Collins) that had the faith to invest in this challenging fiction work.

Meanwhile, the paper back of my last book, short stories is out, DOÑA CLEANWELL LEAVES HOME and the paperback of my most recent poetry collection, MY BOOK OF THE DEAD (UNMP) is also now available.  I invite visitors to this site to ask their local libraries to order copies for their communities.  If you have a favorite indie bookstore please ask them to order copies for their local customers.


If you don’t feel like reading my books or anything besides memes and random comments to your SM posts, I have a reading suggestion that your very life may depend on:

One last favor, please vote and please do not waste your vote by writing in a name or leaving the presidential candidate category blank.  Please keep in mind that we have only one actual serious candidate this time around and that freedoms are on the ballot, a woman’s rights to her own body, LGBTQ, seniors, all elderly, veterans, our service men and women throughout the world, students, workers ability to strike, brown and black people, long time natural born citizens or green card holders are not exempt from a threatened round up and deportation, rampant hideous gun violence in public spheres and shools against innocent people and children will increase in the U.S. if we allow apathy or ignorance keep us home or WORSE & vote for a racist, misogynist convicted criminal who will not think twice of putting you and your loved ones lives and freedoms at risk if given the oppotunity to take office–again. If you don’t read anything else in the next days, read Project 2025 if you doubt my words.